Darla Jorgenson is the Accounting and Human Resource Manager at QCS.

By Nathan Teahon, Vice President
At Telepromm, our team does a great job of writing a lot of content regarding how to be successful in the call center industry. Sometimes you have to take a timeout and celebrate the people that support the business in other ways and keep the train on the tracks.
Darla Jorgenson is the Accounting and Human Resource Manager at Telepromm. Darla exhibits the three qualities that we look for in our team. Humble, Hungry, and Smart.
This Contact Solutions Pro is Humble
Darla does not have an excessive ego by any stretch and is always quick to point out the contributions of other members of the team. She is always looking for an opportunity to tell someone they did a great job. She is the consummate team player and is always looking out for the needs of the company and the team as a whole.
This Contact Solutions Pro is Hungry
People that fit this description are always looking for more, consistently wanting to learn and take on more responsibility. Darla is self-motivated and diligent, while always eager to stay up to date with the constantly shifting human resources and accounting landscape. She takes her role very seriously, and it is important to her that she excels.
This Contact Solutions Pro is Smart
This quality is about people smarts and emotional intelligence. Darla is perhaps one of the most caring people I have ever known. She cares about every one of our employees and wants the best for them in every situation. That’s a great quality to have in her role. In addition, she is intuitive. To put it bluntly, no one cares more than Darla, but she doesn’t stand for manipulation of the rules in an unfair manner.
We are very fortunate to have Darla on our team. She plays an integral role in keeping the train on the tracks even though she may not be front and center regarding our contact solutions management team. Here’s what I know for certain: Telepromm is a better company because Darla is on the team.
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Nathan Teahon is the Vice President at Telepromm, a leading outsourced telemarketing services organization. As a highly competitive person, Nathan brings his “A” game to work every day, ensuring that each of his clients wins on a daily basis. Nathan carefully balances the operations resources and client goals to ensure his clients receive the highest possible results at the lowest cost. Nathan is a true, born and bred telemarketer. He grew up in the business and intimately knows (and has played) every position on the field, including supervisor, quality assurance, call center manager, program management, account management, and call center psychologist. Nathan can be reached at [email protected] or 516-656-5133.
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