Here are 10 ways our customers have used the outbound telemarketing services of Quality Contact Solutions.

Outbound telemarketing plays a vital role in the success and growth of companies. With the influx of technology, the mediums in which businesses communicate with customers varies. From text, to email, to targeted online ads, to mail, to radio, to instant messaging…. such an abundance of choices! While current marketing practices tend to leverage the most successful trends, outbound telemarketing isn’t new. Outbound telemarketing is a communication channel that is still very alive, extremely effective and here to stay.
There are many ways companies can leverage outbound telemarketing to help achieve organizational goals. Here are 10 ways our customers have used the outbound telemarketing services of Quality Contact Solutions.
1. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Prospecting
There are a couple types of prospecting. Cold calling: calling a prospect you haven’t previously made a connection with before sending them an email or calling them on the phone to talk to them about your product or service. The second type is warm calling. This means that some contact has already been made with a prospect prior to calling them. This could be a LinkedIn connection, a web form completion or some form of interaction with marketing. Prospecting is tough and most sales professionals dread it and delay prospecting until the eleventh hour, therefore unlikely to achieve their prospecting goals.
Quality Contact Solutions has the experience and practical knowledge in outbound telemarketing prospecting to make it successful. We have a winning formula dialed in and the right teams to produce optimal results.
2. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Appointment Setting
Companies turn to outbound telemarketing partners as appointment setting is considered one of the most difficult parts of the sales process. Appointment setting tends to be a large barrier in growing a company by increasing its sales.
Quality Contact Solutions has teams dedicated to appointment setting and have the proven experience to set appointments successfully for our clients.
Want to learn more? Check out our 3 part series on appointment setting best practices; part 1, 2, and 3.
3. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Lead Generation
Many of our customers have an abundance of leads that their in-house sales team cannot support. Using an outbound telemarketing company for lead generation efforts allows those leads to not just live in your CRM collecting dust.
Quality Contact Solutions will call and generate and assess interest with prospects, new products and any other scenario. We dust off old leads, help our customers acquire new leads and will transfer those back to the internal sales team to close the deal. We’ve learned how to narrow down the right prospects by continually refining our process and working closely with our clients. We’ve been able to turn prospects into well-qualified leads and have guided them through the sales process while building strong relationships along the way.
4. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Upselling Current Customers
Using outbound telemarketing to upsell additional products and services to an existing customer base can be complex and needs to be handled with tact and care. We often hear from our clients that they just don’t have the bandwidth internally or are not effective to do this themselves.
Quality Contact Solutions is the conduit between your company and your customers. We are able to leverage years of experience to craft a personalized and effective upsell programs designed specifically for your organization.
5. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Data Clean Up
There isn’t a salesperson that gets excited about the thought of updating demographic information and any other task that takes them away from their primary role…selling. However, clean data enables future marketing efforts, whether it be outbound telemarketing, direct mail, email, text, have a higher success rate, productivity and close.
Quality Contact Solutions uses a variety of proven tactics, paired with outbound telemarketing, to yield successful results from data clean-up efforts.
6. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Membership Renewals and Reactivation
Most associations don’t have the internal manpower to make renewal/reactivation calls themselves and turn to outbound telemarketing experts. At Quality Contact Solutions, membership retention, renewals and reactivation is a forte of ours. We work with clients that have 500,000 members worldwide and as small as 500. We have a proven formula for success for each of our association clients.
7. Use Outbound Telemarketing to Promote Trade Show Attendance and Follow Up
While there tends to be a lot of pre-show planning, often times the post show follow up is not well thought out or isn’t executed in the best way. Trade shows and conferences provide a great opportunity to connect with and create new prospects. By making the most of those connections and having an engaging conversation while face to face, when you return to the office after the trade show, your prospect is likely to remember you and the business, giving you an edge over any competition. However, if you’re like most companies, those leads are usually left untouched.
Quality Contact Solutions helps organizations with the pre and post show outreach to help make the investment of events produce the best ROI possible.
8. Use Outbound Telemarketing to Reactivate Lapsed Accounts
Sometimes your customers have stopped purchasing certain products or services; either altogether, or perhaps with less frequency. This can be frustrating for the sales team, lowering morale and productivity. An outbound telemarketing team can step in and get your customers’ business back, and help reactivate lapsed accounts. They’ve got the know-how to tweak sales guides, and the resources to test various methods until they’ve rebuilt your pipeline.
Outbound telemarketing is a great solution for any organization struggling to keep up with leads, seeking more leads, attempting to bring back lapsed customers, trying to cut costs, or simply wanting to ensure that their business is running smoothly.
9. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Concept Testing
An outbound telemarketing team can help test new products and offers on a smaller scale, ensuring that resources are not wasted in the process of trying to figure out which products and services will sell to your customers, and the best execution plan.
QCS has found the perfect balance for concept tests. We dial for a short period of time with a small team and then pause the campaign to review each aspect of the campaign and adjust accordingly. We then run it a second time before making final adjustments and rolling it out full speed. This allowing your organization to reap the benefits of a well-strategized campaign without all of the effort.
10. Use Outbound Telemarketing for Lead Qualification
Generating qualified sales leads is challenging. Outbound telemarketing is often used for cold calling a purchased prospect list or using an internal list of acquired company leads from various sources. In order to maximize a professional sales team’s effectiveness, many companies leverage an outbound telemarketing partner to conduct the calls to qualify sales leads. This provides the internal sales team the ability to focus on higher productive and revenue generating activities.
The team at Quality Contact Solutions are experts in outbound telemarketing and the variety of methods needed to successfully reach organizational goals and objectives. We have the unique ability to leverage more than 75 years of combined experience from our staff. Partnering with QCS provides access to the latest technology, our highly trained management and the best industry knowledge that any partner can offer. We are the right outbound telemarketing partner for you.
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Megan Hottman is the Senior Copywriter & Editor for Quality Contact Solutions. Megan’s experience includes working as an outbound telemarketing manager for a Fortune 100 company for many years. Megan has been both a client and an employee of QCS, so she knows first-hand the quality, productivity and passion the team brings to work on a daily basis. You can reach Megan at [email protected] or 516-656-5120.
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